J had been wanting me to get a strap-on ever since I had realized that I am turned on by sex with women. I decided it was a good idea, too. I haven’t had a lot of sexual experiences with women yet, but I thought having one more possibility of how to please another woman sounded like fun!
And so last week, we went together to a nice sex toy shop to investigate the different kinds of dildos and harnesses. I am so glad I got the advice of a couple of friends first (thank you H & C!!), because I literally had no idea what kind to get. The person working at the shop was also very helpful. After about 40 minutes of perusing the different kinds, we ended up with a double-ended dildo with a vibrator, so that the penetrator also has some physical sensations and pleasure associated with using it…. Basically, it is awesome. And blue. So it looks like I have an Avatar cock!
Which just totally adds to my dorky enjoyment of the whole experience.
Anyways, J convinced me to get a really nice harness, which also added to the enjoyment. Really soft red leather. Mmmm, delicious!
Dan Savage is totally right when he says women should use a strap on at least once, to understand what men are doing. OH MY GOSH. It is work!! I am used to laying there and hardly doing any real physical work (I mean, some work, but not compared to using a strap on for penetration!!). My arms got tired from holding myself up! I actually started to sweat a little, my heart rate went up, and it wasn’t just from being pleasured!
I definitely also experienced a new feeling of vulnerability, in the sense that I really had no idea what I was doing with it on. I am not used to thrusting like that, and when J had me practice the motion, I felt like a total dork, and I looked like one too! We laughed a lot. Thankfully, I think I got the hang of it fairly well, considering I had never used one before. Communicating with my partner about what felt good was key; I couldn’t feel what was going on at the other end! All I had were verbal cues to know whether to go faster, slower, harder, softer. It was a constant check-in process, and one that I think will have to continue because of the lack of nerves in my Avatar cock. I will always have to check in about how it is feeling for the other person, and when we switch positions, I will have to be communicative about how it feels for me.
I also have to talk a little about my seemingly uncontrollable reaction to putting the dildo in and walking around with it… I felt powerful. And I really wanted J to… well, go down on me. That is, I wanted to see him bend down and suck and lick on that thing! Is that a crazy, weird, some sort of penis envy, power play thing??? I really don’t know, but it felt so different. And cool. And I highly recommend it. And I can’t wait to use it again!
Haha! I love it! I have only used it a few times, but every time I figure out something new and exciting :-D Another thing we will have to discuss next week over turkey sandwiches! :-D xoxo
This whole post made me smile! So many new experiences with one new toy. Do not think of it as weird, there are countless others too afraid to follow their similar desires. Enjoy the new role K!