What is Bisexuality? by Kathy Labriola

This other article by Bay Area open relationship and LGBT counselor Kathy Labriola is a great insight into the discovery of one’s bisexual curiosities, desires, motivations, and experiences. I think it is insightful and meaningful, especially considering our current cultural context for female bisexuality. Female bisexuality is fairly encouraged (at least as an “experiment” during college) and somewhat accepted. Her ideas about bisexuality and suggestions moving forward using “bisexual” as an identity and label for oneself have been helpful in my own explorations. Enjoy!

One thought on “What is Bisexuality? by Kathy Labriola

  1. Intriguing. Thanks for posting this! I love your blog and openness. I admit, I am a voyeur of it and enjoy seeing new and old posts.



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