I don’t know how I hadn’t ever heard of Autostraddle. Thank goodness for my sister’s GF
[and by the way, yes, she is adorable and I love her!!! And quick aside, because this story is too good:
So my mom had been freaking out for the past few weeks. All of us were going to be home for spring break, and she was having a really difficult time thinking about my sister and her GF spending the night in the same room. And yes, sis and GF stay together all the time while they are at school. My mom said to me a couple weeks ago "I think I'll just put an air mattress down on the floor next to sis's bed... pause pause while I don't say anything because it was completely ridiculous... I know, I know! It's superficial and stupid but I feel awkward!" Why? I ask. She never responded. Then, the day J and I were heading home, she tells me, as she is in the car, "Oh so you are coming tonight? Okay. We are just trying to figure out our basic arrangements. Our sleeping arrangements. Sis said she would just sleep in the living room on the couch." Pause pause pause as I don't say a word because I find the whole thing insane. "Well I guess we'll just see you in a bit." "Yep."
We see sis and GF the next day. Apparently while they were all in the car together, my mom decides to talk to them about it. "It's really none of my business if you have sexual relations. You can sleep in the same bed." Bahahaha!! GF was so funny! "What is this?? The Monica Lewinsky scandal?!" Jesus. I can't imagine having that kind of conversation with a new partner present like that. In a car. With no way to escape. In typical Dad fashion, all my Dad says during the conversational ambush is "I'm just driving!"]
ANYWAYS: Autostraddle puts on a queer women’s camp. Their third one is coming up in late May. I WANT TO GO. SO BAD. Ugh. It sounds so amazing!! Look at this agenda from a past A-Camp: